Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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1 Subject

Peer Speech Self-Evaluation

Peer  Speech Self-Evaluation

Q Persuasive Speech Peer Evaluation After watching the persuasive speech of a peer of your choice, write a thoughtful evaluation of their speech using at least 150 words. Please submit your peer evaluation in a PDF document. Be specific and concrete in your comments. Note in particular the areas in which you believe they did especially well and those areas in which they could make improvement in the next speech. Indicate the specific steps they could take to improve their next presentation. Use the following questions to guide your peer assessment. You do not need to answer each question below individually, but be specific and concrete in your comments. Topic and Purpose Was the topic appropriate for the audience and the occasion? Did your peer have a clear specific purpose that could be accomplished in the allotted time? Organization Was the speech well organized? Did they fulfill all the major functions of a speech introduction? Did they fulfill all the major objectives of a speech conclusion? Were the main points of the body clear and easy to follow? Did they use connectives effectively? Supporting Materials, Audience Adaptation, and Language Did they conduct adequate research when preparing the speech? Did they adapt the speech so it would be relevant and interesting to the audience? Did they follow the criteria in our textbook for the effective use of supporting materials? Did the speaker make a conscious effort to use clear, nontechnical language? Did they orally cite at least three credible references. Delivery Did the speaker begin and end their speech without rushing? Did the speaker use pauses, rate, pitch, and vocal variety effectively in delivering the speech? Did the physical action add to or detract from the speech? Did they maintain strong eye contact throughout the speech? Overall Assessment What were you most pleased with in their speech? If they had an opportunity to deliver their speech again next week, what changes should the speaker make? Be specific.

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I picked Jack’s speech and found he delivered key points for his goal. He was able to support this with many key terms and statics. While I have been overseas numerous times, I did not study abroad during my younger college years. After listening to his speech, I can certainly see why that makes sense for my kids when they’re older. He’s very organized and professional looking. His camera angel is still off, too low while looking up and an opposite issue that I had ..ha.